Monday, March 31, 2008

Fire Update!

Rise from the ashes for what else but a BBQ! Our friend Andrea (family castle had a fire remember from previous post 'Very Sad News') this weekend had a bbq. We all sat outside enjoying the spring weather eating a selection of Italian meats and I snapped these pics of the post fire ruins. Note: When boys are in charge of the cooking you’re in for a treat of meat, meat, and more meat. Not a salad in sight.
The girls fed the horses, boys kicked the ball around, Jolie ran around the country side and I snapped photos. Enjoy...

1 comment:

Binzi said...

by the way.... it's a BBQ not a salad party... ahahaha.. aswsome photos as always... but I want more of them... that guy in the blu shirt it seams to be a really good soccer player... I can tell immediatley