Monday, July 19, 2010

Talken' Salad Post

 The Italian school of thought on salads is so completely different then the American one. We (Americans) have no problems with adding battered and fried chicken fingers, butter covered toasted cubes of bread, and buttermilky herb dressings. To that I say yum and add some cheese please! BUT Italians actually see salads as something healthy to eat. Just look at this cafe window I wondered past yesterday.
Everything fresh or grilled, tons of veggies not a fried thing in site. The only dressing I have every seen an Italian put on his/her salad (yes men love their salads here) is salt and olive oil and maybe if they are in the mood, a dash of balsamic vinegar. One of the best salads I ever had, and I'm talking memorable salad here as I'm still talking about it, was in Florence. This is it (yes I took a picture it was that good).
Sorry it's blurry.
Tomatos, blue cheese, avocado, lettuce, and prosciutto. No dressing. Didn't need it.
 I still crave my ranch dressing every now and then, after all I was raised on it, but I now know that I don't need it and have learned to love a salad Italian style.

This was Spain's official poster from the world cup. As they won I thought it was an quite appropriate depiction.

1 comment:

LindyLouMac said...

Those salads just look so appealing to me, yummy.