There is a belief that Torino is part of two magic triangles one white and one black. London, San Francisco, and Torino is the black triangle. Prague, Paris or Lyon, and Torino is the white triangle. A wild claim made in the late 1980s stated that some 30,000 practicing Satanists were in Torino alone. These claims are not helped by the fact that Torino if full of underground secret tunnels where medieval alchemy ceremonies were preformed. The Lucedio Abbey held monks who turned into devil worshipers. Nostradamos spent a year here working magic. Piazza Statuto on the west side is along the 45th parallel and is where an ancient Roman burial ground and the site of public hangings and several massacres by guillotine, and Hundreds of ghost sightings are seen every year in the city's crumbling historic buildings.
I could go on and on about all the murders, stories, and ghosts seen in Torino but you get the picture. On the good note Torino holds the Shroud of Turin and supposedly the Holy Grail. So you can see how the battle of good and evil are at work here. So when do you plan on coming to visit me in Torino? It just might be the most haunted city in Europe.
ooooo...scary! lol...
Your banner looks fab!!
Chelsea, I see you discovered the enigma we made a few days ago...
And now you should go out for a gost hunt! :)
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