Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm Out of Town

So, I've taken a break from the European lifestyle to visit my family and get a little bit of the comforts of home. Namely Mountain Dew, pumpkin pie, and Cheetos. Not in that order or together but all priorities. Another priority of visiting home in the fall is the Texas State Fair, world capital of fried foods and food on a stick and they take that title very seriously. This year's buzz food was chicken fried bacon. Possibly the worlds most dangerous food which makes it a challenge we had to try. And we did. And it was awesome. Here are a few picks from the highlights of the fair...

My sister and brother-in-law with the famous fried bacon:
Sculpture of King Tut's mummy and Imus made entirely of butter.Dancing puppets:And my mom pretending to play a piano: The robot at the Ford display. He talked to the people.
Gotta love the state fair!

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