Monday, March 12, 2012

It's the Everyday Things that Make Being an Expat so....

  It's the little everyday things that make being an expat so challenging.....or rewarding depending on your view. This week I had to take my little powder blue Fiat Seicento into the shop to renew it's registration. In Italy you don't go to a mechanic. You go to the place where you just test all of your cars functions and if there is anything wrong then you have to leave, go to the mechanic, get it fixed and go back to the testing place. This was the second attempt to renew my registration. The first time I went they couldn't test my car or anyone's for that matter because there was some sort of strike in Rome!?? This time the strike was over so I watched threw the window as they poked and prodded my little car. 2 guys in jumpsuits, 15 minutes, and 75 euros later I was on my way but I was conscious of how worried I was about getting there and speaking Italian, possible union strikes happening, and solving any problems that arise, things that I wouldn't even think twice about in the U.S. As an expat it's those pesky little things...


LindyLouMac said...

Oh dear it was challenging for you. We are lucky I guess as when our cars need this done our friendly local mechanic who does all the work needed on the cars, takes them to get it done for us.

house of violetta said...

this post makes me giggle cause it's so true that the little everyday things for an expat can be, um well a bit challenging at times. Brava to you that you have your Italian license! I'm skirting around it but know I have to do it some time to make life a bit easier.

Fern Driscoll said...

We're like Lindy Lou - our mechanic takes care of this for us. We tried to do it once ourselves and the inspectors found a zillion little things wrong that were magically fine the next day when the mechanic took the car in. hmmmmm. Good for you for doing it yourself - and successfully!